Got Questions?

  • It will automatically be applied! Simply complete your purchase of the first course. Make a second transaction of your subsequent courses and the discount will automatically be applied.

    Ps. it might take a few minutes for the system to register your first payment, so if the discount isn’t applied, please wait a few minutes and try again.

  • Referral perks are applicable for *first-timers to M.A.D Collection! Please write in to us with yours and your friend’s registered emails.

    To utilise the credits, please write in to us before enrolment of new term courses.

    *Referrers need to complete at least 1 term at M.A.D to qualify. The $30 credit will be issued per student account regardless of multiple course signups. The credit is valid for enrolment of 8-week term courses in the following term only and cannot be applied in conjunction with the tertiary student discount. Credits not utilised by the following term will be forfeited without further notice.

  • We would need both friends to register an account first! Have one friend enrol into your preferred class via MindBody. Afterwards, please write in to us with yours and your friend’s registered emails and we can enrol your friend too.

    *both enrolments will be in the same class.